In production
a documentary for the whole family by Martijn Blekendaal

The Invisible Ones is a full-length youth documentary that explores the lives of children who have been forced to master the art of going unnoticed. The film follows a filmmaker who captures their remarkable stories of inventive invisibility, seeking to bring his own superhero to life.

Among the characters are homeless street children who possess the skills to blend seamlessly into their surroundings, a resilient elderly woman who honed her ability to move silently and remain inconspicuous during wartime, a boy without legal residency fearing deportation, expertly evading authorities throughout his young life.

The Invisible Ones narrates the filmmaker’s journey as he records these tales of creative invisibility, ultimately realizing his own superhero dream by the film’s conclusion.

The documentary shifts perspective by celebrating the superhuman power of invisibility in an age dominated by selfies and the pursuit of attention. Rather than viewing the invisibility of these children as a flaw, The Invisible Ones portrays them as true superheroes, regardless of their size, inconspicuousness, or challenging circumstances.

The Invisible Ones takes viewers on a playful yet exciting journey around the world, exploring the history of film, photography, and television, while delving into the moral boundaries of these media. After all, why reveal something that prefers to remain hidden?

About the director

Martijn Blekendaal (1973) studied history. He works as a director, TV maker, researcher and editor.


The film The Invisible Ones is a quest for invisibility and, although set up as an experiment, it is not an experimental film. Striving to engage the widest possible audience with my story plays an important role in my creative choices. With THE The Invisible Ones, a conscious decision was made to make a film that ties in with a popular genre, the superhero film. When you walk out of the theatre, you look at your surroundings differently. You now see people you hadn’t necessarily noticed before, and attribute unsuspected qualities to them. A super talent even: the ability to be invisible. In turn, vulnerable young people feel more empowered.


Directed by Martijn Blekendaal
cinematography - Pim Hawinkels
sound - Benny Jansen
editors -  Laura Brouwer and Martijn Blekendaal
research - Lieve van Sonderen
composer - Sebastiaan Koolhoven
sounddesign - Peter Warnier
archive research - Gerard Nijssen and Madée Hofenk
interactive performance design - Keez Duyves and Ruud Lanfermeijer
creative technologist - Keez Duyves
line producer - Julia van Schieveen
VFX producer - Wiendelt Hooijer
commissioning editor - Marije Meerman and Barbara Truyen (VPRO)
co-producer - Bram Crols and Mark Daems for Associate Directors (BE)
producer - Willemijn Cerutti for Cerutti Film (NL)

Awards & festivals

Worldpremiere at IDFA - Youth Competition IDFA 2024

Production details

A coproduction with Cerutti Film (NL)

Supported by The Netherlands Film Fund, The Netherlands Film Production Incentive, CoBO, NPO fund, Fonds 21, The Tax Shelter measure of the Belgian Federal Government through Flanders Tax Shelter and Flanders Audiovisual Fund (VAF).

Language: Dutch
Subtitles: Dutch, English